The best phone under Rs. 15,000 in India is a category that keeps changing very often, thanks to intense competition. Having updated our guide to the best phone under Rs. 15,000 in November 2019, we decided to talk about these phones at length on this episode of Orbital. Reviews editor Jamshed Avari and in-house smartphone expert Aditya Shenoy join host Pranay Parab to discuss all things smartphones. The best phone under Rs. 15,000 list includes some stellar picks from companies such as Xiaomi, Realme, Vivo, and Samsung, and we highlight the pros and cons of each phone on this episode.
We begin the discussion by talking about a smartphone from Realme, which is still a really good choice even though it has been a few months since launch. This is surprising because after that phone’s launch, Realme has launched a bunch of other smartphones and in spite of that, our pick is holding fort. Then we discuss Xiaomi’s latest Redmi Note series smartphone and how it dominates the list of the best phone under Rs. 15,000. Here we highlight the trade-offs you will be making if you get this phone, and mention who it is best for. Next we talk about our top picks under Rs. 15,000 from brands such as Nokia and Samsung, followed by a discussion on all the other smartphones that you should consider under Rs. 15,000, which will definitely be useful if you have certain specific requirements.
That’s all for this week’s episode of Orbital, which you can subscribe to via Apple Podcasts or RSS, download the episode, or just hit the play button below.