Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch is out on December 7. In the run up to this we’ve seen a host of details leak about the game thanks to copies releasing early and Nintendo Switch dataminers making all sorts of information around the game public knowledge. From all of the bosses in the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate World of Light mode (which is the game’s take on a single-player story mode), to all of its music tracks and even Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s Milestones, it appears that Nintendo will have no surprises for fans when the game is finally available for all.
In episode 99 of Transition, the Gadgets 360 gaming and pop culture podcast we discuss what else you could expect from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and how you can avoid having the game spoiled for yourself. Furthermore, we dissect why this could be the biggest game in the Nintendo Switch’s lifespan and could impact fans and Nintendo immensely.
Plus we also talk about how accessible the Smash series is for newcomers and what Nintendo can learn from its other IPs like Splatoon 2 and Arms to make a better Smash game. Finally, we speculate on the possibility of Nintendo potentially taking India seriously with Dreamhack India 2018 having the nation’s first Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament.
Finally, we discuss what we’ve playing this week including the superlative Darksiders 3, the so-so Persona 3 and Persona 5 dancing games, and an old favourite, Hearthstone.
You can subscribe to Transition via Apple Podcasts or RSS, download this episode,or just listen to it by hitting the play button below. The music for this episode comes via Magnus Souleye Pålsson’s album PPPPPP, which is the soundtrack for the game, VVVVVV.