On this episode of Transition we talk about The Division 2 as games editor Rishi Alwani and friend of the podcast Mikhail Madnani join host Pranay Parab. We begin this episode by talking about the history of The Division series of games. This is where we mention why people care about The Division and what we liked about the original game. We look at how Ubisoft has handled previous game series such as The Crew and Watch Dogs. We look at the differences between the sequels for The Crew and Watch Dogs, and what changed in terms of the gameplay experience. We use this to look at what we can expect The Division 2 for fans of The Division. We base this on our brief experiences with The Division 2.
Next, we talk about what we think about always online games. We look at the state of always online games and how that affects players in India. The Division 2 has a rather large download size which will lead to issues for those who have limited data caps. This segment is where we return to asking for games to be released once they are complete, rather than shipping massive patches. We also talk about the controversy around The Division 2 PC release and whether the decision to abandon Steam affects the game. Finally, we speak about the games we’ve been playing this week. This includes games such as Persona 5, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart DS, New Super Mario Bros., God Eater Resurrection, Forza Horizon 4, Devil May Cry 5, Dead or Alive 6, Left Alive, Hades, and Max Payne 3.
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