Flipkart is set to host its Big Diwali Sale back on Monday, October 21, after ending its first round on Wednesday. The five-day sale, which will conclude on October 25, will bring deals and discounts on various smartphones, including the Redmi Note 7 Pro, Redmi Note 7S, Realme 5, and Vivo Z1 Pro. Flipkart Big Diwali Sale will also provide up to 75 percent off on various smart TV models and home appliances. Similarly, there will be offers on several smartwatches, laptops, DSLRs, and mirrorless cameras.
A microsite has been released to tease some of the notable deals and offers that we’ll get during the next Big Diwali Sale on Flipkart. While the Flipkart Big Diwali sale will take place for regular customers starting October 21, its early access will be provided to Flipkart Plus subscribers from 8pm IST on Sunday, October 20.
Flipkart Big Diwali Sale deals, offers on smartphones
The fresh Flipkart Diwali sale will bring the Redmi Note 7 Pro starting at Rs. 11,999, while the Redmi Note 7S will be available for as low as Rs. 8,999. There will also be a discount on the Realme 5 that will go on sale at Rs. 8,999. Further, the Vivo Z1 Pro will be available during the latest sale with a starting price of Rs. 12,990.
Smartphone Model | Sale Starting Price (Rs.) | Regular Starting Price (Rs.) |
Redmi Note 7 Pro | 11,999 | 13,999 |
Redmi Note 7S | 8,999 | 10,999 |
Realme 5 | 8,999 | 9,999 |
Vivo Z1 Pro | 12,990 | 14,990 |
Alongside the discounted prices, various smartphones during the Big Diwali Sale by Flipkart will be available with no-cost EMI options and exchange offers. Some discounts would also be available for adding the Complete Mobile Protection service with the phones listed in the Flipkart sale.
Flipkart Big Diwali Sale discounts on smart TVs, DSLRs, smartwatches, and other products
The new sale is also touted to bring up to 75 percent discount on over 50,000 products. The microsite suggests some discounts on the Samsung Smart LED TV 32-inch. Similarly, there will be offers on various home appliances.
Flipkart has also claimed up to 90 percent discount on various electronic devices and accessories. There will be deals on DSLRs, mirrorless cameras, and laptops. The online marketplace has also teased a discount on the Apple Watch Series 3. Additionally, products carrying Flipkart brands will get up to 85 percent discount.
There will also be extra discounts through “Dhamaka Deals” on mobile phones, TVs, and electronic devices at 12am, 8am, and 4pm during the sale days. Likewise, Flipkart’s traditional promotions such as “Rush Hour” and “Maha Price Drop” will also be available during the next sale round.
Flipkart has partnered with State Bank of India to offer 10 percent instant discount for customers using SBI debit and credit cards during the Big Diwali Sale.