Xiaomi has launched the Mi Notebook 14 and the Mi Notebook 14 Horizon Edition in India. Mi Notebook 14 Horizon Edition price in India starts at Rs. 54,999 and the higher variant costs Rs. 59,999. Reviews editor Jamshed Avari joins host Pranay Parab to tell you whether you should buy the Mi Notebook 14 Horizon Edition. This episode begins with a discussion around Mi Notebook 14’s design, and how Xiaomi has chosen to avoid putting its logo on this laptop. We talk about the ergonomics of the Mi Notebook Horizon Edition, and how the typing and trackpad experience is. This is where we talk about the lack of a backlit keyboard on the Mi Notebook 14 Horizon Edition and how it impacts the user experience.
Next we talk about the gaming experience on Mi Notebook 14 Horizon Edition and whether you can play games such as PUBG and GTA 5 on this laptop. This is where we also talk about regular usage on the Mi Notebook Horizon Edition and whether you are likely to face any issues. We also mention the lack of an inbuilt webcam on the Mi Notebook 14 Horizon Edition, and how it impacts usability. Then we talk about the Mi Notebook 14 Horizon Edition’s battery life and whether you can use it for a full working day without running out of charge. Finally we discuss the software on this laptop and whether you should buy the Mi Notebook 14 Horizon Edition.
That’s all for this week’s episode of Orbital, which you can subscribe to via Apple Podcasts or RSS, download the episode, or just hit the play button below.