Honor Pad X9 was launched in India on Saturday. The tablet succeeds the Honor Pad X8, which was released in September 2022 with a MediaTek Helio G80 SoC, a 10.1-inch full-HD IPS display and a 5,100mAh battery. The newly-launched Pad X9 has arrived with significant improvements and upgrades over its predecessor. Notably, the new tablet comes with a larger and better display and a bigger battery. The company also confirmed the price and sale date of the device in the country.
Honor Pad X9 price in India, availability
The lone 4GB RAM + 128GB storage model of the tablet is priced in India at Rs. 14,499. This Honor Pad X9 was introduced in a Space Grey colour option. It is currently available for pre-order and will go on sale in the country on August 2 through Amazon. A Rs. 500 discount and a free Honor Flip cover for the tablet will be offered to customers who pre-book the device.
Honor Pad X9 specifications, features
Sporting an 11.5-inch display, the Honor Pad X9 comes with a resolution of 2K (2000 x 1200 pixels), a refresh rate of 120Hz and a peak brightness level of 400 nits. Out-of-the-box, the tablet runs on Android 13-based MagicUI 7.1 which allows the users to explore multi-window, multi-screen collaboration, and three-finger swipe features. It is powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 SoC.
In the camera department, the Honor Pad X9 carries a 5-megapixel rear camera sensor and another 5-megapixel front camera sensor. The tablet packs a 7,250mAh battery with 22.5W wired fast-charging support, which claims to offer a battery life of up to 13 hours on a single charge.
The device supports six Cinematic Surround Speakers with Hi-Res audio. It also supports WiFi, Bluetooth v5.1 and USB Type-C port connectivity. Weighing 499 grams, the tablet body measures 267.3mm x 167.4mm x 6.9mm in size.