Mi 10 price in India starts at Rs. 49,999 and that means it’s very close to OnePlus 8 price in India and OnePlus 8 Pro price in India. The 108-megapixel rear camera on the Mi 10 puts it in competition with the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra too. On this episode of Orbital, reviews editor Jamshed Avari joins host Pranay Parab to talk about the Xiaomi Mi 10. The Mi 10 is a big departure from other Xiaomi smartphones that are in the market right now because Mi 10 price in India shows that it is a flagship device. Other Xiaomi phones are much more affordable than this device. We begin this episode by talking about whether Mi 10 is overpriced, since many of you have been saying that via the comments. We then talk about Mi 10’s highlight features which include the processor and the primary rear camera.
We discuss the Mi 10 price in India and why it may have been higher than usual. There are multiple factors at play here and it’s not a simple case of a company looking for bigger margins. Then we talk about the Snapdragon 865 and if we’re likely to see it in more affordable smartphones. Next, we talk about the rear camera setup on the Xiaomi Mi 10, which is where we discuss the other camera sensors on the Mi 10. The 108-megapixel camera looks very impressive on paper but the other cameras leave a lot to be desired. Finally we talk about MIUI 12 and what you can expect from Mi 10 in terms of ads and spammy notifications.
That’s all for this week’s episode of Orbital, which you can subscribe to via Apple Podcasts or RSS, download the episode, or just hit the play button below.