Redmi Note 9 Pro Max price in India originally started at Rs. 14,999 and then it went up to Rs. 16,499 even before the smartphone launched. In this episode Android expert Aditya Shenoy joins host Pranay Parab to talk about the reasons behind Redmi Note 9 Pro Max price in India being increased and whether you should buy this smartphone at its new price. The discussion begins with Redmi Note 9 Pro Max price in India obviously, and then we talk about the smartphone’s four rear cameras.
The Redmi Note 9 Pro Max camera discussion begins with an analysis of the quality of the pictures you’ll get via the 64-megapixel primary camera. We then talk about the other three cameras, while also mentioning the quad camera marketing trend that’s all over the market right now. We also briefly talk about the Mi 10 5G and how only one of its four cameras stands out. Then we talk about Xiaomi’s ad-riddled software and why the company needs to stop sending so much spam your way.
Finally we talk about the performance and battery life on the Redmi Note 9 Pro Max. This is where we talk about the fast charger bundled with the Xiaomi smartphone.
That’s all for this week’s episode of Orbital, which you can subscribe to via Apple Podcasts or RSS, download the episode, or just hit the play button below.