Spider-Man PS4 release date is almost upon us and having finished the main story in the game, our games editor Rishi Alwani decided that this episode of our weekly gaming podcast – Transition – needs to take things to the next level. That’s why we invited the biggest Spider-Man nerd in the known universe (read within 500 metres of our office) – Rohan Joshi. Rohan’s known for his work with the comedy group AIB, but the endless hours he spends devouring all things Spider-Man make him invaluable for our podcast. Host Pranay Parab joins in to throw in nuggets of trivia here and there, and to keep the two stars of the show — Rishi and Rohan — on topic. The first part of the show deals with Spider-Man trivia, where Rohan goes deep into the history of the character. We cover the basics such as, “What makes Spider-Man so popular?”, before talking about the comics, movies, and cartoon shows that made the character the juggernaut that it is today.
Rohan lists out his favourite issues of the comics, before we talk about the movies that everyone needs to watch before playing Spider-Man. Here we look at Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movies first, before talking about every other recent Spider-Man movie out there. Finally we look at the characters around Spider-Man, which make him who he his. This includes Spider-Man’s girlfriends, relatives, and even some of the villains he faces. This is when we begin to steer the conversation towards Spider-Man games. First, we talk about a Spider-Man game that was made in India. Yes, you read that right and if you listen to this episode, you’ll hear Rishi going on a deep dive about the history of that game and you’ll also hear some cool anecdotes about the people who made the game.
Then we talk about the Spider-Man games we’ve played and what we liked or didn’t like about those games. Finally, we talk about the Spider-Man PS4 game that’s releasing soon after this episode of Transition. Here Rishi shares his Spider-Man PS4 review, and talks about everything that makes this game awesome. We look at the Spider-Man suits that are in the game and talk about some of the coolest characters that we came across as well. We then wrap up this episode by talking about the games we’ve been playing this week.
You can subscribe to Transition via Apple Podcasts or RSS, download this episode,or just listen to it by hitting the play button below. The music for this episode comes via Magnus Souleye Pålsson’s album PPPPPP, which is the soundtrack for the game, VVVVVV.