Realme X2 Pro price in India is quite aggressive, and its specs are quite good too. Deputy reviews editor Roydon Cerejo joins host Pranay Parab to discuss whether the Realme X2 Pro is a smartphone worth buying. We begin this episode by talking about the Realme X2 Pro’s price in India and the phones it intends to take on. We then talk about its design, display, and build quality. Here we talk about the decision to skip a pop-up selfie camera and how that affects the smartphone’s looks and build quality.
Next we talk about Realme X2 Pro price in India and how it affects potential buyers who feel that Realme updates their smartphones way too soon. The speed of Realme phone launches is very fast at this point and that creates a problem for those who buy phones from the company — what if this phone gets outdated within a month or two of launch? Then we talk about the competition for the Realme X2 Pro, which is where we bring up the OnePlus 7T. Surprisingly enough, Realme has become the company OnePlus used to be and the Realme X2 Pro has the potential to sway certain OnePlus buyers.
Next we talk about the cameras on the Realme X2 Pro and what you get for the price. We talk about how well each of the four cameras work, and whether you get your money’s worth. Then we discuss the software of the Realme X2 Pro and the direction it is taking with respect to Oxygen OS and stock Android. The next topic of discussion is performance, followed by battery life and charging speed. Finally, we tell you whether Realme X2 Pro is worth buying.
That’s all for this week’s episode of Orbital, which you can subscribe to via Apple Podcasts or RSS, download the episode, or just hit the play button below.