Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FE price in India has leaked online ahead of its debut. The South Korean tech conglomerate’s upcoming Fan Edition (FE) tablet models will reportedly be available in three colour options. It will be sold in Wi-Fi and cellular models, according to a report. The company’s purported Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FE and Galaxy Tab S9 FE+ are expected to be unveiled by the company according to previous leaks that suggest the devices will be powered by a Exynos chipset.
According to a MySmartPrice report citing an unnamed source, the Galaxy Tab S9 FE price in India will be set at Rs. 65,000 for the 6GB+128GB RAM and storage configuration with 5G connectivity. The Wi-Fi variant with the same amount of RAM and storage will be priced at Rs. 63,000 as per the report, which states that the tablet could also be available in other storage options.
Samsung will sell the Galaxy Tab S9 FE in Light Green, Grey, and Silver colour options, according to the report. These are the same colour options — along with another Pink colourway — that were leaked in a recent report. Samsung is yet to officially confirm details of its plans to launch the Galaxy Tab S9 FE series of tablets, which is also expected to include a Plus model.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FE specifications (rumoured)
As per details shared in a recent report, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FE will be powered by an Exynos 1380 chipset, which comprises four Cortex-A78 performance cores and Cortex-A55 efficiency cores. The tablet is expected to sport a 10.9-inch display, which is smaller than the 12.4-inch screen on the Plus variant.
Meanwhile the rumoured Galaxy Tab S9 FE is also tipped to feature a single rear camera, unlike the Plus model, which will reportedly feature a dual rear camera setup. The tablet is also said to feature a side-mounted fingerprint sensor for biometric authentication. It will reportedly measure 254.3 x 165.8 x 6.7mm.