Dreamhack Mumbai 2018 wanted to be India’s number one gaming festival. However the truth was far from that. In this episode of Transition, we discuss what happened during Dreamhack’s India debut such as the presence of possibly pirated Nintendo ROMs despite the organiser claiming otherwise. Furthermore, we talk about issues related to the Dreamhack Mumbai tickets. These include some massive last minute flash sales drawing the ire of those who bought tickets early. Oddly enough, those who attended Comic Con Mumbai could enter Dreamhack too. Organisers let those who made purchases at a nearby food court entry as well. None of this did much to draw crowds though.
Apart from this, we talk about the many delays to Dreamhack Mumbai’s tournaments such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and PUBG Mobile, most of which ran extremely late, causing some top-ranked teams to leave the venue. Networking issues and spotty Internet connectivity plagued the entire event as well. It didn’t help matters that there were allegations of mistreatment of its Indian casters, hosts, and analysts too. All of this made us wonder if Dreamhack Mumbai 2018 was a repeat of the much maligned Indian Gaming Carnival, which is a black mark in Indian gaming history. With Dreamhack set for a 2019 return, we also discuss how it could be a better event.
It wasn’t all gloom and doom however. For our last podcast of 2018 we also discussed the games we’re looking forward to in 2019 such as Project Judge, Ghost of Tsushima, Resident Evil 2, Crackdown 3, and Kingdom Hearts 3.
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