OnePlus 8 price in India is very close to iPhone SE (2020) price in India. OnePlus 8 Pro price in India is pretty close to Samsung S20 price in India. This means that OnePlus is now in direct competition with Samsung and Apple, and the company does not enjoy the breathing room that it did earlier. Android experts Ali Pardiwala and Aditya Shenoy join host Pranay Parab to talk about what this means for those who plan to buy a premium smartphone in India. We begin this episode by discussing OnePlus 8 price in India and whether the company might have changed it at the last moment to undercut the iPhone SE (2020). Then we discuss the features of the OnePlus 8 and wonder whether a couple of missing features might hurt an otherwise well-specced device.
Next we talk about OnePlus 8 Pro price in India and the features of the smartphone. Here we mention that this phone is a true flagship device with all the features you expect from top-of-the-line smartphones in India. We talk about what we like so far about the OnePlus 8 Pro and what we’d like some clarifications on. This is where we look at the competition for the OnePlus 8 Pro and compare it against the Samsung Galaxy S20. The OnePlus 8 Pro will compete directly with the S20, so we look at what features could help it gain an advantage and where Samsung still holds the upper hand. Finally we talk about wireless charging on the OnePlus 8 Pro and wish for an in-depth explainer on the company’s design decisions.
That’s all for this week’s episode of Orbital, which you can subscribe to via Apple Podcasts or RSS, download the episode, or just hit the play button below.