Chinese handset maker Xiaomi on Saturday announced that it has achieved a record-breaking sale of over 5.3 million devices during the festive season sale period in India. These included smartphones, televisions, Mi Band wearables, earphones, power banks, security cameras, and Mi Ecosystem devices and accessory products that were sold across and partner platforms such as Amazon and Flipkart.
“This festive season has been astounding for Xiaomi and we are thrilled that over 5.3 million people decided to celebrate along with us. Every year, we try to make it more joyous for our consumers by offering newer products and attractive offers. The love from millions of Mi Fans has humbled us, and the fact that over 3.8 million came to buy a Xiaomi smartphone and over 250,000 customers ordered a Mi TV warms our heart. We hope these Xiaomi purchases usher in the festive cheer for everyone and the festive cheer will continue to spread as we extend attractive offers across the entire Dussehra/Diwali period across online and offline,” Raghu Reddy, Head of Categories and Online Sales, Xiaomi India, said in a statement.
The company also sold over 3.8 million smartphones in India during the same period, with the Redmi Note 7 becoming the bestselling smartphone series on Flipkart. Xiaomi was also the bestselling smartphone brand on Amazon, the company claimed.
This translates to 525 devices were sold per minute in the same period. Last year, Xiaomi sold over 2.5 million smartphones during the same period and witnessed over 50 percent growth YoY. Earlier in the week, Xiaomi said it had sold 250,000 Mi TVs during the sale period. A day into the sale, Xiaomi said it had sold over 1.5 million devices across Amazon, Flipkart, and